01 April 2009


I went out to dinner Monday night with my friend Caryn's family at a restaurant called Cerveceria Catalana. It is apparently very recommended by guide books, Trip Advisor, hotels, etc. But although it has a slight foreigners-eat-here vibe, I thought it was really fun and really delicious tapas. Ladies who are coming at the end of April, we will be going here!

We ordered the usual patatas bravas, which were done very well without the sauce being too spicy. We also ordered a montadito, or Catalan open face sandwich bite. We got the four cheese one, although I am not sure which four cheeses since the bleu seemed to dominate the others. 

A bacon and date sandwich with melted cheese was fantastic. 

We also ordered mini hamburgers (the number one sign of catering to tourist palates) but they turned out to be excellent. They are even smaller than sliders and come adorned with only a mound of sweet caramelized onion. 

The tortilla de patatas was a little more on the soft side than what I would have prefered, but I have yet to eat a tortilla I did not like and this was no exception. Slices of manchego cheese, garlic and oil braised shrimp, fried small green peppers, sautéed mushrooms and asparagus, brie with blueberries, and lots of wine rounded out our meal. Thank you so much Mr. and Mrs. Ganeles!

In other news, we won Trivia this week! Unbelievable! Sadly I missed the exact moment of victory, as I had to leave to catch the metro home, but I was there to answer all the questions. (My own personal contributions were that the Pogues play Fairytale of New York and that the capital of Somalia is Mogadishu.) We won 125 euro worth of vouchers for the bar we play at (Travel Bar), which works out great as we go there several times a week.

I am off to Belgium tomorrow. By some fluke my flight time got changed from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm, so I will not be walking around Brussels tomorrow as planned. The real treat for me anyway is getting to see family, so I will make do with the change.

On Monday I head for Greece, where I will be vacationing for Semana Santa. For the next week or so, adios amigos!

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